Yeshuwa is of Jewish descendant. He is from the tribe of Judah, and son of David. more..
The personality of Yeshuwa is clearly explained by our Patriarchs as 100% Man and 100% God. more ...
Yeshuwa got his authority from Moses, through John the Baptist, a Levite and son of the then Chief Priest Zachariah. more ...
Yeshuwa was everything. He became a Servant for us, to tend to all our needs, just as a Husband looks after his wife, at the same time being a King at the same time. more...
The Only Son of the Living God
Mathew 16: 15 - 17, Mark 1: 11, Mathew 17: 5, John 3:16, Mat 3:17, 17:5, John 5:32, 5:37, Rom 1:5
The obedient Son
Matthew 26:39, Philippians 2: 8, John 14: 31
Ancient of ages
John 8: 57 - 58, Colo 1:15, 17, Revelation 1: 8
Light from the Light
John 8:12, 1:8
God Almighty from God Almighty
Revelation 1: 8,1 John 5:20, Revelation 21: 22 - 23
He experienced fear. He was subject to all human feelings. He became one of us, so that we can become one in Him.
Heb 5: 1 - 5, Luke 1:35, 43, Isaiah 7:14, Ebr 2:18, 4:15, John 19:5, Mat 8:20, 11:19, 13:54, Luke 8:25, 23:50, 53, Mark 10:45
The High Priest forever.
Hebrew 5: 5, Hebrew 7: 22 - 23, Hebrew 7: 28
The humble servant
Mark 10: 45, Mathew 12: 18, Isaiah 42: 1
The Messiah
Matthew 11:2-6, Prophecies fulfilled by Yeshuwa
He became the cursed and was crucified.
Deuteronomy 21:23, John 19:31, Hebrew 13: 11 - 12
He who is to come
Revelation 1: 8, Mat 16:2, 2 Peter 3:13-16, Acts 10:42, 2 Tim 4:1
He who died ( How can God die? )
Revelation 1: 18, 1 Pet 3:18, 2:21, 4:1, Rom 6:1, Colo 1:20
He who has risen from dead
Mat 28: 6 - 7
Of the same substance as His Father, God Almighty
Colo 1:15, Phili 2:6, 2 Cor 4:4, Heb 1:13